Take a Drive Down FSMC Road!

Calling all Gaithersburg residents! If you’re driving down Washington Grove check out The Foundation School of Montgomery County (FSMC)’s new adopted road near the US Postal Service Office! The Montgomery County Department of Transportation advocates for clean, litter free roads through their Adopt a Road (AAR) Program. Road owners can choose the name of a road and are encouraged to clean trash and debris out of the area. The creation of the AAR program is a community effort to collect debris before it reaches local streams or clogs the storm drains that feed into them. Once debris enters our storm drains, they are more likely to end up in the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers, as well as our water supply. Litter can also disrupt the natural environment of animals that live in the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers. Every piece of litter collected on the roadways helps beautify our neighborhood and improves the health of our environment. Students at FSMC have already taken initiative this summer to clean their roads, frequently picking up trash near the school building as part of their student service learning hours. We are proud to encourage the cleanliness of our community and provide more opportunities for our students to become involved in positive service learning projects.