Congratulations to Our Core Values Award 2023 Winners!

Since 2016, The Foundation Schools have honored staff who have done an exemplary job representing our core values: Teamwork, Work Ethic, Integrity, Respect and Leadership (TWIRL). Our management team carefully selected these staff members as individuals who have shown amazing performance throughout the school year. Here are our winners of the 2023 Core Values Award:
Akeem Dixon – The Foundation School in Largo, Elementary/Middle School
Mr. Dixon is a dependable member of our team. He frequently volunteers to take students on breaks during moments of stress, regardless of which classroom they are in and keeps a positive attitude with both students and staff. Moments after being in a crisis with a student, Mr. Dixon expressed forgiveness to that same student, ensuring them that he cares about them. Mr. Dixon treats all students with respect and is always ready to find a solution to any problem.
Rhonetta Brooks – The Foundation School in Largo, High School
Ms. Brooks is our high school career teacher, working hard to support our students’ transition goals. She represents the Teamwork in T.W.I.R.L with sincerity. She consistently supports her colleagues in any way she can, completing tasks with enthusiasm and fidelity. Her TWIRLing makes our mission of providing high quality education to our students a reality.
Darrell Matthew – The Foundation School of Montgomery County
Mr. Matthew is a true team player with an amazing work ethic and a quiet leadership that he is sometimes unaware he possesses. Mr. Matthew has recently become a TACT2 trainer, expanding his leadership skills even further. Whether it be working in an additional role as a math teacher for the school year, staying by a student’s side during a moment of crisis or coming up with creative ways to help during intense situations, he is extremely flexible and always gives 110 percent, even when he doesn’t feel his best.
William Briggs – The Foundation School at Blair G. Ewing
Behavior specialist Mr. Briggs is always calm and consistent in his work supporting our students at our newest program, The Foundation School at Blair G. Ewing. If there is a gap to fill, Mr. Briggs will wear several hats, working as a Behavior Specialist, PE Teacher, Teacher Assistant, and so much more to lend assistance and ensure our students have what they need to succeed.
Monique Walker – The Foundation Learning Center
Ms. Walker is a living and breathing example of TWIRL. Each day, Ms. Walker’s optimistic and engaging personality reaches students and staff throughout the program. Through her passion for horticulture, Ms. Walker has taken the initiative to start a school garden, going above and beyond to give each student in the program the opportunity to be involved. She is regarded as a rockstar FLC staff member as she consistently seeks out ways to support her classroom and school staff.
We are incredibly fortunate to have such amazing staff who guide our students to success and make our schools a pleasant place to learn. Congratulations and thank you for all of your hard work this school year!